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Rhinoplasty Tucson

Nose Surgery Rhinoplasty in Tucson, AZ

Noses come in all shapes and sizes. Bridges may be narrow or large, the nostrils may have thinner or thicker layers of cartilage or the angles may be sharp or rounded. Some nose shapes can cause breathing obstructions, if the natural air passage is too narrow or blocked. Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, can alter the shape of your nose and provide relief. Nose jobs in Tucson, Arizona, can provide proportion, breathing relief, and a more aesthetically pleasing appearance for patients.

Am I a good candidate for Rhinoplasty?

Considering Rhinoplasty? Tucson plastic surgeon, Dr. Edward Eades, can help you determine if nose surgery is right for you. Typically, potential patients of nose surgery live a generally healthy lifestyle and are physically suitable for surgery. You may be a candidate for nose surgery if you desire to correct a breathing problem, contour the shape of your nose, or experience a more proportionate appearance. Men and women in the Catalina Foothills area may find nose surgery a solution for a nose that is crooked, out of alignment, or pointed.

Rhinoplasty surgery in tucson arizona

What can I expect from Nose Surgery?

Depending on your desires for surgery, you can expect different surgical techniques. In the Casas Adobes and Drexel Heights areas, nose surgery may use some of the following methods:

  • Autologous cartilage grafts, or skin taken from within the nose or ear
  • Silicone implants, or skin-like inserts
  • Dermal fillers, or liquid gel inserted beneath the skin
  • Fat grafts, or fat tissue used to smooth and add volume

Each method has specific applications in nose reconstruction and contouring. To place and shape cartilage, incisions may be placed inside or outside the nose. You can expect Dr. Eades to carefully camouflage your incisions to avoid the formation of noticeable scarring. He will strategically place new tissue grafts to assure a smooth, natural look to your nose.

Eades Plastic Surgery Logo

What is the recovery like following Rhinoplasty?

In Tucson, nose surgery patients will be asked to wear a splint after their procedure; a splint protects and supports new nose tissue. Medical packing is placed within the nose to also support your new structure. Patients typically experience the following symptoms:

  • Swelling and bruising around the nose
  • Tender areas around the cheeks and near the eyes
  • Soreness and discomfort in the nasal area

Recovery from a procedure can take a few months. Patients can expect to return to school or work once they feel ready to do so. After three weeks, many return to normal activity levels. After a month’s time, patients can expose their skin to sun.

Patients should return to Dr. Eades’ office following surgery for a follow-up evaluation. During this time, he will check to make sure your nose is healing properly and that there are no complications. If you every notice any changes in your nose or feel uncomfortable with how your nose is healing, do not hesitate to contact our office.

How Long Will Results Last?

The results of nose surgery are permanent, which is why it is important that patients have a clear goal before this procedure is booked. It is important that rhinoplasty only be performed on a nose that has completely finished growing, which is around age 16. If rhinoplasty is performed on a nose that is still growing, potential problems and complications could arise in the future.

Schedule Your Rhinoplasty Consultation

If nose surgery interests you and you want to learn more, contact Dr. Eades today. You can also visit his office, near the cities of Catalina Foothills, Tanque Verde, and Casas Adobes. Women can ask questions, elicit Dr. Eades’ expert opinion, and understand more about a rhinoplasty surgery during your consultation at our Tucson Arizona office.